How to Work with the Energy of the Lion’s Gate Portal

The Lion's Gate Portal, occurring annually on the 8th day of the 8th month, is revered by many spiritual communities as a powerful cosmic event. It's a period where the Earth aligns with the star Sirius and the Galactic Center, creating a harmonious portal that connects the physical and spiritual realms. This occurrence is believed to usher in a high frequency energy that can enable deep spiritual growth, manifestation, and personal transformation. The energy of the Lion's Gate Portal is amplified by the presence of Leo in the astrological chart, a sign often associated with royalty, power, and courage. 

The ritual you will find below harnesses this abundant cosmic energy by aligning your intention with the powerful energies flowing through the universe. In the ritual, specific crystals are chosen, each serving as a conduit to channel different aspects of this potent energy. Congo Citrine, for instance, symbolizes the solar energy of Leo and is used to attract abundance and personal power. Rhodochrosite facilitates deep emotional healing, opening the heart to the influx of high vibrational energy. Amethyst enhances spiritual awareness and intuition, while Clear Quartz amplifies the energy and intentions set. By using these crystals during the ritual, we can more easily access, integrate, and utilize the heightened energy available during this celestial event for our personal and spiritual growth.

Supplies Needed:

·       Congo Citrine: This crystal is known for its ability to attract abundance and increase personal power.

·       Clear Quartz: Often referred to as the "master healer," this crystal can amplify energy and intention.

·       Rhodochrosite: This stone is associated with emotional healing and heart-opening.

·       Amethyst: Known for enhancing spiritual awareness and intuition.

·       Cleansing tools: This could be blue sage, wild lavender, palo santo, or any other method you prefer for cleansing your space.

·       A quiet and comfortable space: Choose a place where you can perform your ritual undisturbed.

·       Journal and pen (optional): For recording any thoughts, emotions, or insights that arise during your ritual.

Ritual Steps:

1.     Cleanse Your Space: Start by cleansing your space. As you cleanse, imagine any negative or stagnant energies being swept away.

2.     Set Up Your Crystals: Arrange your crystals in a circle. At the north point place the Congo Citrine, at the south the Clear Quartz, at the east the Rhodochrosite, and at the west the Amethyst.

3.     Grounding Meditation: Sit comfortably in the center of your crystal circle. Close your eyes and take several deep, cleansing breaths. Imagine a beam of light coming down from the universe, through your crown, and into the earth, grounding you to the world beneath.

4.     Set Your Intention: Consider what you wish to achieve or manifest during this energetic portal. This can be spiritual growth, personal transformation, enhanced intuition, increased love in your life, etc.

5.     Charge Your Crystals: Hold each crystal one by one, envisioning them filling with light. Speak or think your intention into each crystal.

6.     Meditation and Visualization: Return to your seated position. Close your eyes and visualize your intentions as realities. Allow the energy of the Lion's Gate Portal to fill you, charge you, and guide you.

7.     Closing The Ritual: When you feel your ritual is complete, thank the universe and your crystals for their guidance and energy. You can say something like, "I thank the energy of the Lion's Gate, and the power of my crystals, for their guidance and support. May this energy continue to nourish and guide me."

8.     Integration: Carry or wear the crystals as much as possible during the day to integrate the energy of your ritual. Remember your intentions frequently, and recognize any signs or synchronicities that may appear.

I hope you've found this guide to the Lion's Gate Portal insightful and empowering. Harnessing the potent cosmic energies available during this unique celestial event can be a transformative experience, capable of fostering profound spiritual growth and personal evolution. It's my sincere wish that this ritual serves as a meaningful tool to help you channel the abundant energy of the universe and manifest your deepest intentions.


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