Smoke Cleansing with Blue Sage

Smoke cleansing, also known as smudging, is an ancient practice that has been used by many cultures around the world. The process involves burning specific herbs and allowing the smoke to purify and cleanse a space, object, or person. Smoke cleansing is believed to clear negative energy, promote healing, and create a positive environment.

 One of the most popular herbs used in smoke cleansing is sage. Sage is a powerful cleansing herb that is believed to remove negative energy and promote healing. It has been used for centuries in many cultures for various purposes, including purification, spiritual rituals, and protection. The most common type of sage used for smoke cleansing is white sage, which is native to the southwestern United States and Mexico. It has a strong, pungent scent and is also an endangered species.

The great news is that Blue sage is not endangered and serves as a perfect substitute. Compared to white sage, it is gentler and has a flowery, grassy scent.

Blue sage helps us to bring wealth, prosperity, and health into our life.  Because it draws success and wealth, blue sage is frequently used in abundance rituals, money spells, and prosperity affirmations. Blue sage also works well for rituals of purifying and divine cleansing. You can work with it in all the same ways you are used to working with white sage.

Ready to cleanse with Blue Sage? I have you covered! I now offer ethically and sustainably sourced Blue Sage bundles in my shop. Click here to order online or pick one up while you’re in my studio. I know you will love it!


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